About me

Hi, I’m Oleksandr Pancheliuga — a professional land surveyor/GIS analyst — based in Ukraine 🇺🇦. I’m skilled in spatial data processing and analysis, remote sensing/earth observations, data visualization, and undertaking topographic, hydrographic and utility surveys.

After graduating Master’s degree in Geographic information systems and technologies (National university of water and environmental engineering, 2008), I started my working path as a land surveyor/manager.

I have worked in the Ukrainian land management and cadastre system for over a decade as a self-employed person. During that time, I primarily focused on implementing new geospatial technology in our industries.

I enjoy working on cutting-edge projects and enabling new geospatial technologies that directly impact our lives. I also enjoy being surrounded by brilliant people in the geo community. I’m always attentive to new challenges and search for opportunities that allow me to grow professionally.

My specialization and interests are focused on:

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Remote sensing/earth observations
  • Spatial data analysis
  • Data science
  • Web map development

Listed below are some of the technologies I use:

  • Programming languages: Python, Javascript
  • Remote sensing/GIS: Google Earth Engine (JS and Python APIs), OGR/GDAL, QGIS
  • Python packages: pandas, geopandas, geopy, osmnx, matplotlib, geemap, numpy, rasterio, xarray, folium, pyplot
  • Web development: Streamlit, Google Earth Engine Apps, HTML, CSS, Jamstack

Lately, I have devoted myself to improving my soft and hard skills and launched this website. You can read more about it in this post.